Explore a collection of my web-development projects, all crafted during my journey through a comprehensive web-developer course. Dive in to see the skills and creativity I've developed along the way.
A Random Secret Generator Project made with ExpressJs, NodeJs, HTML, CSS & JS.
GitHubA Project Website where we can save our secrets. It has a Authentication, Login by Google, made in ExpressJs, Postgress SQL, HTML, CSS, NodeJs, JS.
GitHubGenerates a Random Band Name which has Random Band API which generates the Band Name.
GitHubA Replica of CryptoCoins where you withdraw or TopUp your CryptoCoins Built with Motoko & ReactJs
GitHubA Keeper Website similar to Google Keep Notes but built in ReactJS as FrontEnd and Motoko as Backend.
GitHubA Replica of CryptoTokens where you can check Balance, Claim Free Tokens, buy, sell & send the Tokens to others. Made in ReactJs & Motoko.
GitHubA Web Application used to transfer money between multiple users. Made in HTML, CSS, JS & PHP.